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News and Events
February 12, 2015

Hello and Greetings from the Collings Foundation!

Collings Foundation - 2012 The Race of the Century - Hunter ChaneyMy name is Hunter Chaney. I am the Director of Marketing of the Collings Foundation. I have been in this position for around seven years now. You might have noticed we have a new web site. This has been a long time in planning! Dave and Thibaut from AeroGraphics have been helping us for over a year getting this new site designed and launched. These guys are very talented and have been great to work with. As you can imagine, there are many exciting things happening and a lot to cover.

You will find there are areas in the new site that still needs populating – particularly in the JML Military section. We will be working diligently to post the great variety of historical artifacts, tanks and equipment that is coming to Collings from Jacques Littlefield’s Military Vehicle Technology Foundation.

Objective is to make the new web site attractive, easy to navigate, intriguing, informative – and fun! Every week there will be something new – from stunning pictures to the latest news and posts. I hope you will be engaged enough that you will want to visit daily to see what kind of treasures are up for the taking.

The Collings Foundation strength comes from individual support from around the country. The Foundation’s existence is truly ‘by the people and for the people.’ If there is something specific you would like to see in the new web site, any information we are missing – anything – just let me know. Look for weekly posts from me and others such as Wings of Freedom flight coordinator Ryan Keough, chief pilot Jim Harley and Executive Director Rob Collings.

I look forward to bringing you the latest and greatest from the Collings Foundation!

Yours truly,


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COVID-19 Event Cancellations & Closure

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Massachusetts, the Father's Day Open House / "Tanks, Wings, & Wheels" event in partnership with the American Heritage Museum has been CANCELLED for June 20-21, 2020. Additionally, the American Heritage Museum is CLOSED until Phase III re-openings are announced in the state. We will make announcements here and on our Facebook page when re-opening is announced.